The big departure is approaching, and Dominique has never been closer to his goal than he is now. The last few days have been marked by travel and the final preparation of the boat with the technical team. Dominique shares his feelings about the recent arrangements:
“On Tuesday, December 26, the boat preparation phase came to an end. The final modifications were made until evening. Before that, I was able to complete the administrative part for customs. This concluded a very busy December with a lot to think about and prepare, but with the help of my wife, children, and friends, all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. I cannot hide that it was a tense and stressful month (especially regarding customs).
On Wednesday, December 27, the boat convoy to the Canary Islands began for 5 days: 3 on the road to Huelva and 2 by ferry to Tenerife.

As for physical preparation, the final rush significantly reduced my availability for sports, so I preferred to focus on sessions of physiotherapy, osteopathy, sophrology, and shiatsu to prepare both the body and mind.
At the moment, we are fine-tuning the last adjustments and waiting for the north winds that will allow us to move the boat away from the coast. At that moment, the time for the grand departure will come.

My state of mind fluctuates between stress and eagerness to get there. It is a privilege to attempt to fulfill a dream, so I savor this chance.
For the past three years, my non-professional time has been dedicated to building this project. The easiest thing would have been to stop, but I persevered, and today, after meeting wonderful people who have taken part in the adventure, the project is very real.”
Now, we invite you to join us every Monday to get updates on our favorite adventurer and his companion, Dominique and Oscar.